Thursday, January 26, 2012


Roots and Branches, 2010
This was my very first sculpture ever. My professor tried to talk me out of it because he thought that it was going to be too kitschy. Mostly because he said that women in Relief Society everywhere were making these wire trees. Then I went and added roots and a sweet base.

He liked it then.


Anyways, I posted this image because I am feeling like I am not getting anything this term. I am in a pottery class, and I am just not very good at the wheel. It is kind of tragic how bad I am really.

Hopefully I end up getting better or my dream of selling my pottery to tourists on the Oregon Coast is over! and then I will need to find a new dream.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lean on Me, April 2011                             
Alabaster stone. Currently sits on my mom's mantle because it matches the colors of her house perfectly.

This rock is lucky to be whole--there is a huge fracture line that runs through most of it. I totally thought it was going to break in half while I was carving it, my professor later told me that it is a minor miracle that it didn't. So for a while I called it Lucky, but I like the current title much better.

Double Date Day

This applies to everything, only I don't quite know how the salt fits in.
This has never happened to me before. Two dates in one day. And they were set up within minutes of each other. Seriously. Maybe even within the minute.

I finish setting the time for the first date (breakfast), turn around and the second guy asks if he can talk to me outside. And then proceeds to ask me to dinner. So I had a breakfast date and a dinner date. Wish that happened every day. I would never have to buy food again. So awesome!

I am beginning to think that it is always a drought or flooding. There is never a happy medium. Ever. No matter what it is. Actual rain, bad things, good things, dates, homework, breakdowns, large purchases. Really. It always comes all at once.

And that explains the picture.

I would actually never suggest two dates in a day, now that I have experienced it. Everything felt rushed (which could have been because I was totally booked that day with everything I had to do). Also, the first date was amazing, which made the awkwardness of the second date stand out even more. Maybe he would have seemed far more normal if I wasn't comparing him to Mr. Music Man. I doubt that though. He was really PMSie (Post-Missionary Syndrome), and those boys are always super awkward. And this one had it bad. I kinda felt sorry for the poor kid.

Moral of the story: from here on out, I am going to separate all dates by at least one sleep.
also, I really hope Mr. Music Man asks me out again. I really could like him a lot. Even if he is only an inch taller than me.

Everyone Needs a Lift Now and Then

Everyone Needs a Lift Now and Then, Sept. 2011

This one is dedicated to my sister, and everyone else who sometimes just needs a little help.

ps, the balloon is not real. It probably weighs 3lbs.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Reflection, wood and wire, 2011
I made this one for my New Genre class, but also entered into a student art show at BYU. I got in, but I didn't win any prizes.

Although the other day, some girl in one of my classes remembered it and by extension me. I was super amazed and flattered. Specially since she told me that it was awesome and asked how I did it. Go me!

I feel like a REAL artist!

I finally got the key to my studio today, and now that I have an art studio, I feel like I can finally call myself an artist. Which I am probably not, since I am still a student, but still!! Exciting. And now on to the next picture of my art that I am going to post.

Sea Life, bronze, 2010
This is the first bronze piece that I ever made. Emily told me that it looked like something from the bottom of the ocean. So I called it Sea Life.