This last week, I had the opportunity to go to Southern California with my Canadian friends (actually at the beginning of the trip, I only knew one of the Canadians--Chizm). It was awesome. I even got to go to Mexico.
Gilbert Arizona Temple. This is actually the second day of the trip, but the first day was super boring. Also, Arizona was hot and humid. Which was miserable. The rain/monsoon was beautiful though. We went swimming during storm. So much fun.
Mesa Arizona Temple with my good friend Morgan Charles. Haven't seen him since Christmas time when he graduated. It was super fun to catch up with him.
MEXICO!!! My very first foreign country. I didn't have a passport, and I was sure I was going to get stuck there. Turns out all you need to get back into the US is a valid driver's license.
The entire time we were walking around Los Algondones, one of the Canadians (Nephi) wanted to see a Cathedral. We found one. The only thing he had to say was, "That is not what I was expecting."
Chizm drinking a refreshing beverage. The lame brain almost let me order water. Luckily, I remembered that
horchata is delicious in time to avoid getting some nasty disease from drinking contaminated Mexican water.

Random story: While we were walking around, a nice man named Pepe told us we could get married for $5. Or, if that was not what we wanted, we could get divorced for $2.50. Totally could have gotten hitched and then unhitched for the low, low price of $7.50. Suh-weet.
Our first beach, La Jolla. There was snorkling and cool caves to explore. I love San Diego. Someday when I am old, I am going to retire to that place.
Same day, new beach: Mission. I was freezing. Had to go buy a super attractive jacket thing. Gained a new nickname too, the Mexican Girlfriend.
I have no idea. Boys are weird.
So, at some point while driving through Arizona, a random gentleman told us that our tire wasn't going to make it another ten miles. He was wrong. It made it another several hundred miles, then gave up the ghost on our way to Six Flags.
Perhaps we should have listened to him.
Six Flags is awesome. So many roller coasters! And they are huge. I just read a news article about a boy who got hit by a pigeon while riding one. And Fabio got hit by a goose. I was lucky to not have a bird smack into my face. That would have been painful.
Third beach, Laguna. By far my favorite. It was not super populated, and was gorgeous. Plus, I found some sweet sea shells.
Same beach, just without those two uglies ruining the scenery. I am totally going back.
Fourth beach: Santa Monica. This is us on the pier which is the very end of Route 66. We are so cool. There was a playground for grown ups on the beach, and the people there are seriously skilled. It was like being at a circus.
Check it out:
Sea World!! I love this place with all my heart. Chizm looks kinda grumpy in this picture though.
This fish was huge and super ugly. Chizm was trying to show how big it was, but the picture didn't turn out very well.
Ugly fish, cool photo.
Me with some seals. I was so sunburnt I could barely move, and all sorts of tired.
Making a funny face while waiting for the 4D thing to start. It was not what I was expecting at all. One does not normally get wet while watching a 3D movie.
Under the sea!
And to end my long post, here is a cow on a roof.
Actually saw this. I am someday going to own a store and put a cow on top. Yes.