While on our honeymoon, Chizm and I went on a hike to something called the Hoodoos. Before we went, I was all confused about what exactly we were going to go see. I thought perhaps it would be some ancient Indian site where they preformed rituals or something. Probably because Hoodoo rhymes with voodoo.
I was wrong. Hoodoos are sandstone cliffs that have been carved into crazy shapes by wind and water.
You can't really tell in this picture, but this kid is right at the edge. |
The trail we went on took us right to the top of the cliffs. Chizm went right up to the edge, and the whole time I was thinking, "It will suck when he falls over the edge. The headline for the newspaper will be
Honeymooner Falls to His Death. How sad will that be? Married for less than a week." Anyways, I was freaked out of my mind.
Looking over the edge. It is much freakier in real life. |
And then Chizm pretended to throw me off the cliff. I was never really in danger, he held on to me the to me the entire time, but he scared me enough to make me cry. Those cliffs freaked me out. They just didn't look stable, and it had been raining a ton. I was sure the cliff was going to crumble and take me with it.
Me holding onto a branch so I wouldn't fall over the edge when it crumbled |
This sign was not helpful to my state of mind |
But the view was spectacular.
I love reading your blog. I am so glad that you are not a very young widow! Beautiful views!