Monday, August 6, 2012

Tiny houses!

So, recently I have stumbled across something on the web that has changed my life, or at least where I picture myself in my future life. You see, I have never been a big fan of huge houses: more area to clean, more space to fill with junk, huge cost, and just a general waste of what could have been a big yard.

So when I discovered tiny houses, I immediately decided that I wanted one.
They are so cute and fun. Plus, they are automatically easier on the environment, and best of all, cheap. You save on building materials, utility costs and all sorts of things.

And there are so many options. I could build one on a trailer thing:

Fencl Plan
Bedroom & Sleeping loft: 130 sq ft
Ready made: $53,997
Built it yourself: $23,000

I read the blog of a couple who lives in a house very much like this one, and they spend an average of $5 a month on utilities. Much less than what I currently spend.


Or a teeny one with a foundation: 

Beavan Plan
Box Bungalow: 99 square feet
Kit Base Price: $11,999
Assembled Base Price: $13,999 

Or a larger one with a foundation:

Sebastarosa Plan
2 bedroom/1 bath: 750 sq ft
Estimated building cost: $49,000

I really think that I am going to do this. And I will build it myself. Being a sculptor has given me all sorts of useful skills when it comes to building things. I will probably go for the last one, since I do hope to have a family some day, and I doubt that it would be comfortable to live in such cramped quarters.

 And I am pretty sure that wanting to live in such a small house makes me at least partly a hippie, specially when you add in other life style choices I am trying out (bike riding instead of driving, somewhat trying the raw diet, becoming a minimalist). I suppose this all comes from being an artist. The more artsy you get, the weirder you are.

The company who designed the houses above is called Tumbleweed Tiny House Company. Check out their website (with more awesome plans and information) at

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